Australia has the distinction of being the driest inhabited continent on earth, yet the OECD ranks it fourth in per capita consumption of water. Although ground water is an important source for many remote communities, the overwhelming majority of Australians rely on water stored in reservoirs. Authorities monitor the quality of water from these sources, … Continue reading Australian Drinking Water Quality→
At Water2Water we supply water purification that improves the quality of the water drunk by Australians. While removing toxins and biohazards is an important part of what we do, most urban Australians can expect their water supply to be at least safe, even if its taste often leaves much to be desired. Other parts of … Continue reading Water Everywhere – Ingenuity Leads the Quest for Safe Drinking Water→
Treat your friends and family to a Water2water filtration system. A healthy gift that will provide them with freshly filtered water for many years to come. Water2water Twin Undersink System – we filter your tap water so your body doesn’t have to $325 (including standard installation) Save $35 A healthy gift that your family and … Continue reading Water2water great gift ideas this Christmas to last a lifetime→
Water dispensers play a unique role in the office environment as they offer the best solution for easy access to cool water, keeping everyone hydrated all day long just at the touch of a button. Just like other appliances, it is essential to clean and maintain the water dispenser. Taking good care of the … Continue reading Top Risks You Can Avoid While Handling Your Office’s Water Cooler →
Finding the best drinking water options is something of a paramount importance as some of the water sources contain thousands of harmful chemicals that can easily be absorbed by our bodies. That being said, do you know what is in your tap drinking water? Most of the people do not care about the impurities … Continue reading Finding The Best Drinking Water Options →
Many factors affect the flow rate of water. The size of pipe, the mains pressure, the quality of source water going through the filtration media etc. It also depends on whether you are filtering just for drinking water or for the whole house.
The debate over whether fluoride in water is a good thing or not seems to be heating up again. The right water filter will allow you to remove or add fluoride amounts to suit your requirements.
Think of water as a nutrient your body needs that is present in liquids, plain water, and foods. All of these are essential daily to replace the large amounts of water lost each day from skin evaporation, breathing, urine, and stool, and these losses must be replaced daily for good health.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has ruled that a daily intake of caffeine of up to 400mg does not raise any concerns for the safety of adult consumers.