We filter your tap water so your body doesn’t have to.


June 30th, 2017

Water and Weight Loss

“A study conducted in 2010 reported that obese dieters already following a calorie controlled diet who also consumed two glass of water before each meal lost significantly more weight than non-water drinkers”. With the colder weather approaching, it is easy for us to go in to ‘hibernation mode’. For me, this means; less exercise, more … Continue reading Water and Weight Loss

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February 24th, 2017

Bottled Water and our Environment

Although plastic water bottles are recyclable, a vast amount of these end up in landfill.  Landfills are designed to bury trash in such a way that it will be isolated from the surrounding environment. However, landfills can impact on air, water and land quality. It might not seem like much; however, swapping from bottled water … Continue reading Bottled Water and our Environment

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February 2nd, 2017

Sparkling Water

Sparkling water is a great alternative to drinking soda. We often associate bubbly drinks as being bad for us and full of sugar; however, carbonated water is basically harmless. Personally, I drink sparkling water for the following reasons: It is refreshing It keeps you hydrated – which is essential if mixing with alcohol It retains … Continue reading Sparkling Water

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January 12th, 2017

Water2water January Promo

We hope you had a happy and hydrated Christmas and New Year. To welcome in the New Year, we are offering the following discount, valid until 28th February 2017: $10 off your next service to your Water2water filtration system. Please contact our office via phone or email myarie@water2water.com.au and provide us with your unique customer … Continue reading Water2water January Promo

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December 19th, 2016

Have you heard about Water Softeners?

What is ‘hard water’? ‘Hard water’ is water that contains a large amount of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. It may not necessarily be dirty water but will often contain contaminants such as iron, copper and manganese. Water is considered ‘hard’ when water contains over 120 milligrams per litre of mineral content. These contaminants … Continue reading Have you heard about Water Softeners?

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November 24th, 2016

Filtered Drinking Water: Health Benefits

With water being one of the most vital substances on the Earth, it is important that we are putting ‘clean water’ into our bodies. Although tap water is drinkable in Australia, there are many additives and chemicals added to our water. By adding a filter to your tap water you are able eliminate chlorine, chemicals, … Continue reading Filtered Drinking Water: Health Benefits

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November 15th, 2016

Water2water Christmas Pack Specials 2016

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November 9th, 2016

Perth Water Coolers

There is nothing more refreshing than freshly filtered cold water, especially during the warmer months of the year. Having to buy bottled water or constantly fill up jugs of water to put in the fridge can become time consuming and costly. A great alternative to this is a Water2water water cooler.         … Continue reading Perth Water Coolers

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September 16th, 2016

In Perth, treated sewage will soon be turned into drinking water!

Many people are repelled by the thought of drinking water that has once been in our sewer systems. However, there are a vast number of benefits connected to recycling water.  As global warming rises, we are beginning to experience dryer and hotter winters.  In fact, Perth experienced one of the driest winters in 2015.  The … Continue reading In Perth, treated sewage will soon be turned into drinking water!

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September 7th, 2016

Why use Shower filters?

The Effects of Chlorine in Water: Chlorine has been used in our water as a highly effective disinfectant for decades.  However, exposure to chlorine can have negative effects on a person’s health: Respiratory conditions (Nose, throat, lungs, asthma, bronchitis) Dry or brittle hair Can turn blonde or blonde dyed hair green! Dry skin, dandruff, itching … Continue reading Why use Shower filters?

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Purify Yourself

If you require a convenient water source for teams of workers, we have the answer for every situation.

Call us at 1300 88 03 03